The times when everything did not have to make sense... Its about the situations, the conditions, the hypocrisy, the tolerance, the madness and our own unimaginable cruelty to mankind. As i said... its about the times when not many things made sense.. and neither did History till then.... but always hoping that someday our future will.

Search Human Times

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

To dear Anonymous

This goes to dearest Anonymous.

They say, it protects the identity if i use Anonymous. Correct?
Well, keeping secure ones personal identity is ....................... hmm whats the word for it... ... courageous???

Comeon dude.. its required.. I am not comfortable sharing my actual name..... isnt that allowed?

Yeah.. right .. you are sure entitled to do that... But then, cant one just choose a Nick name. Is it really that difficult ???? Or you thought the site just selected a good nick for you and that is named coincidently 'Anonymous' for you. It must be a real good coincidence that many are given the same name.. isnt it ?

Gone are the days, people used to write diaries on physical piece of notebook. Do you still know some people who do. Ofcourse YES. The idea of a physical diary is that the world DOESNT get to read it. You choose to do blogging and the world to see what you write.. and then claim under the pretext that .. ." PLEASE.... lets not use names on a public forum" ... Is that some irony or what?

Anyways... blogging was meant to express views or ideas.. not to point fingers at. Who cares..And since the sites allow you to do it for free.. then why not everyone sign on to it. Believe me.. if it were like just about 5 years back.. where personal web page and address would cost you like 5 grands, and visual internet would cost 25 grands a year on telephone lines with separate dial-up bills, who would be blogging anyways. Thats what you ought to give out to this free world. We all owe it to.

I think it doesn't hurt to do anything in this free world, where everything is justified. I work in this IT company which has a fad in adopting new technologies.. self created or not. It is here I learn so much about the free world. The etiquettes that would not run through our normal chain of thought, but suddenly seem to be so obvious. Its been over 6 months now, I am regularly getting mails that events are being hosted on 'Second Life'. This company has even bought premises and rented space on 'Second Life'. Somehow due to time difference or not, I didn't get chance to attend any, but am sure, the general rules still follow. Sometimes, it is common sense, sometimes its just follow the leader, unless you can justify clearly to everyone why using something like Anonymous is a mandate. We recently started Wikis and adopted all the podcasting that could leverage collaboration. Suddenly, I know so many in my company, that otherwise I could not. Would that have been possible, with people posting as Anonymous?

When i thought about it, I was scared. I knew, I would have to do it first.

Then I said to myself, Big Deal. What worst can happen, people will know what I think and will talk about me? I trust in everything I am. Nothings gonna change. At least, tomorrow if I meet someone, he will say, hey.. I think I read your blog... lol .... I know its no chance something like that will happen.. but then, it doesn't matter anyways. And if that happens, at least I have communicated and been known. I owe this to the free world. Am sure, am only gonna improve from here. So lets give it a try.

Now playing: Michael Jackson - You Rock My World
via FoxyTunes


Katz said...

All depends on an individual..
some may prefer specifying or reveling their indentity or some may not.. Well I dont think it woud make any difefrence even if someone uses a Nick instead of Anonymous.. In either case we will be thinking who wrote it if you havent heard of that Nick..

IrShAd said...

See.. theres a difference...
Using a nick, i can ATLEAST track the person.. and keep track of his posts and comments eventhough, I might not know who the person is. With two ppl commenting as Anonymous, I have no clue who the hell each one is and what were his views before.

My point of the post was, since you choose to have a public forum instead of a personal hand diary, which is obviously for the world to see, then why the anonymity. Understood that not all will like to reveal the identity, but then this questions that very thing.. What is the harm anyways.
Hence to start with I have added my profile and my pic just to give it a try. Lets see whats the Big Deal in having a nick and a actual name posted.

khan said...

:) anonymitic thrills...heard of this one?? well, i understand wat u trying to put here...but still makes me feel is this wat u think abt blogging?
i mean.. i do write a diary....yes i do..sinc ages and i even like to blog...since ages again...its not abt concealing identity, its abt wearing a new one...the concept is old...u know of pseudonyms? spot on!

IrShAd said...

Good, then you must be really old.. since you done so many things since AGES..... :)

I know the concept is old.. and in fact there is a majority that thinks like you do. I was just presenting a different perspective that maybe its not too scary to show who you really are on public forums.

Besides, it makes you responsible for what you write. That cant be bad? right? You can stand by it.