Now, having the hypothesis in place, I wonder how did the love tales actually would have happened at that time where the lovers (according to history) had given their lives when they couldn't stay together. There must have been a fraction of a second, if not full, when either of them thought that giving up their life is not really worth it. Whats the use in dying for someone if you cant remain alive to enjoy the moments with that person for which you crying in the first place.
Anyways, I don't want to be the one sounding cynical and saying today times have changed and blah blah...So i will not.
Why suddenly this !!!
Its cause "Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well."
So how to tell if someones lying?
A million dollar question - having lie detectors that themselves lie... what do we do??
Am thinking what will people in few centuries ahead talk about things in our generations. (i.e if our civilization survives few generations)
Probably about,
How Google killed MSN due to MSN's eyes on Yahoo.....